Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Help Tracey Celebrate the Big 4-0!

Tracey is 40, fit, and fabulous!! Happy birthday, Tracey!

We are celebrating all day, August 27, by having a 40% off sale. Everything in the Fit by Tracey store is 40% off! One day only!

Stop by the forum to say happy birthday...or just tease Tracey about getting older. While you're there, you can find a coupon code for your 40% discount.

***Only registered members can view the forum. Please take a few minutes to sign up and join us.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Getting back to it...

Below are some pictures of my trip to the Midwest and a few others. Sign up on my forum to read all about how my training is going. Remember, if you are not already a member of my forum, you have to register first in order to get into it.


My baby girl 4 1/2 months!
Scarlett sleeping on Auntie Mellie's shoulder at our family reunion
My cousin Chaz and I at a family reunion
At a park in Ill
"Diva in Training" Need I say more?
This is my girlfriend Carmen & I in KC,MO
This is a picture of my girlfriends and I celebrating a 40th birthday and an engagement! There is nothing like the company of good friends (and good food)!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Scarlett's Photo Shoot in St. Louis

just click here untamed heART click on Proofing from the top menu bar and type in scarlett for the password


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Time to Talk About Food

As you know, Tracey is in training. A lot of us don't like to think about this, but that includes nutrition.

What we eat not only fuels our workouts, it fuels our lives. Nutrition is important if we're going to get the most out of our workouts. And those workouts get us in shape to enjoy life. That's what it's all about, right? Fit by Tracey is here to make you fit for life.

Both protein and carbohydrates are necessary to get the most out of your workout. Glycogen gives you the energy for exercise and amino acids help to reduce fatigue.

If you're planning a long cardio workout, having complex carbs such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, or other whole grains about 60 to 90 minutes before your workout will help you have the endurance you need. Having simple carbs (sorry, I don't mean cake or candy) like fruit and/or protein in a drink 15 to 30 minutes before exercise will give you quick energy. The carbs can also reduce the amount of glycogen used during exercise, and the protein can increase the amino acids that are delivered to the muscles. That means you will have prolonged energy too.

What you eat after your workout is also important. Replenishing glycogen within 90 minutes after your workout will help your muscles begin to repair and will restore your immune system. Of course protein is necessary for maintaining healthy muscle mass. The best post workout meal or drink is a combination of quick to medium digesting carbohydrates and quick digesting protein. Good news - current research shows that chocolate milk is a great recovery drink.

Don't forget to drink plenty of water during and after your workout to replenish the fluids you lose. And round out your diet with healthy fats like nuts, salmon, eggs, avocados, and olive oil.

These are just some tips. Please don't stress about it. Fit by Tracey is also about making fitness fun. So enjoy the journey.

Here's a sample of a breakfast that Tracey eats during training:

1 slice ww toast (light whole wheat)

1 egg (fried in Pam cooking spray)

1 oz light jalepeno cheddar cheese

2 cherry tomatoes sliced

1 oz spinach

*fry egg, melt cheese, add tomato and spinach and put on toasted bread

Be watching for more recipes.