Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome, Rian Nicholas Staehle!

Rian Nicholas Staehle
Born September 9, 2010
7 lb 20 inches
Proud family - Brad, Tracey, and Scarlett Staehle

Tracey says he's a perfect angel! We'll post more pictures soon.


  1. Awwww, how precious he is! I see Rhett wasn't chosen. :) But, I like Rian! Give him a big hug and hope mommy is feeling good. Hugs to you all!

  2. Congratulations Tracey, Brad and Scarlett!!! What a healthy-looking beautiful boy he is, and I LOVE his name! I'm so happy for all of you!!!! XOXOXO Kathy S. from Atlanta

  3. Congartulations Tracey! Wish you much, much happiness being a mum to two beautiful children and fulfilling all your dreams.

  4. Congratulations Tracey, Brad and Scarlett! Welcome to Rian! What a beautiful baby. May he bring all of you many years of happiness.

  5. Hello, my name is Nicolas Staehle. I was born September 9, 1978 in France. it's really funny to find this similarity
