Monday, March 10, 2014

So staying on track with your eating & planning ahead all starts with ORGANIZATION.  Being organized is the key to success. Let's start with kitchen organization.  How many of you have clean cupboards? Fridge? Freezer? Pantry?  Get out your label maker, your containers, your pretty contact paper and your creativity and start organizing.  Here is what you can do:

First you must empty EVERYTHING out of your cupboards
Next you containerize and label & reload
I put all of my oatmeal, nuts, flour, labeled containers
I got another basket (walmart) with a handle for baking supplies like pancake mix
This pantry below is for pasta, quinoa, brown rice, nuts, cooking stuff (I love using lazy susan's for organizing, it makes everything easier)

I have since put all of my oils into a nice basket - will capture a picture of that and add it in
kids snacks are in a basket (now labeled) so they can help themselves

These can organizers are great, you can find them at Homegoods, Marshalls or TJMaxx

Snack baskets are great!

Kids shelf pulls out and has everything easily accessible!

I got so tired of searching for tops that fit my tupperware so I donated everything to Goodwill and started over. I went to BB&B with my 20% coupon and bought the big box of OXO tupperware - I LOVE IT!  Now everything has a lid and a place of it's own!

This is my mudroom, I had a pantry built to house my extra's and it's so pretty it gives me incentive to keep it clean.  I lined the shelves with contact paper I found at Marshalls and just made it appealing to the eye.

I have since re-organized this corner cabinet with a few lazy susan's - new picture to come

Fridge door - I put my milk & juice in glass containers to keep it fresh longer, now each shelf is labeled. Starting out a new clean eating plan with a CLEAN & ORGANIZED fridge makes ALL the difference~

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